Montag, 23. Januar 2012

First Meeting

I met with Claudia Doron of the Rive of Hope today. We sat down and we spent time going over information that I am going to be using for my speech to the Rotary Club of Buchs on the 1st of February. I will be informing the Rotary Club about where their donated money is going and what projects they are helping. I also got other information that will help me communicate with other German speaking schools. I also learned about other steps I should be taking towards the project. Today I am starting the design for the sponsor sheets. Also, going back to my speech, I will be presenting at ISR in the student lounge in the afternoon of February the first. Hopefully it will be a successful experience.

Samstag, 21. Januar 2012

Welcome To My Blog

I have recently created this blog in order to boost awareness of the run I am initiating. I will keep all my information posted here and I will update any events or important information. I will also keep track of the steps I take in order to reach my goal. This will be like my journal throughout the whole process of the run.